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How the chaos of documents & regulations restricts young founders and why we urgently demand a reduction in bureaucracy

Bureaucracy drives young entrepreneurs crazy

In the Allgemienen Zeitung article, Milan explains how we at QiTech are slowed down by German bureaucracy and have to fight our way through an endless jungle of forms and regulations - an obstacle that discourages many start-ups.

"I would voluntarily pay five percent more tax if the bureaucracy were really and noticeably simplified."
- Milan von dem Bussche

Bureaucracy as a killer of innovation

The daily battle with bureaucracy not only costs time, but also money. Milan reports that payroll accounting is more complicated than some of his machine developments. The large number of applications and permits required for the business makes it almost impossible to concentrate properly on the actual business.

The way out of the bureaucratic jungle

To escape this nightmare, we are involved in initiatives such as the "Young Founders Network" to draw more attention to the challenges facing young founders and to help young entrepreneurs throughout Germany.

We have also launched a crash course in bureaucracy with YFN.

"A kind of program with the mouse for bureaucracy"
- Milan von dem Bussche

The first 8 episodes of the crash course are already online, and the second series on payroll accounting will follow in April .

👉 You can find the full article in the current issue of the Allgemeine Zeitung or online.

A big thank you also to Ralf Heidenreich, whose article puts the spotlight on our crash course and the bureaucracy issue.

Christoph Eisenach

Christoph is our code alchemist. When his code doesn't work, he doesn't sleep, so basically he never sleeps. But when his code works, it's absolute magic. Today, Chris is primarily taking loving care of the website for QiTech Industries.