Latest news and behind the scenes about our start-up, the production of 3D printing filament and our machines.
Join us on our way!
Featured Posts
Our new QiTech Rewinder
We converted our Winder into a rewinder for a special order from Schwerin and made some improvements
Find out more around the topic of material research on JANTEC's YouTube
How we use material testing to help the industry gain valuable data & recycle plastic waste simply and efficiently
Latest Posts
RND: Generation Z: Lazy or underestimated?
Is our generation really that lazy? Johanna Apel from Reaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland has answered this question in one of her articles.
Our new QiTech Rewinder
We converted our Winder into a rewinder for a special order from Schwerin and made some improvements
We are in the WiWo!
The WiWo article explains how our start-up was a bureaucratic nightmare & how we are working to reduce bureaucracy
Bureaucracy drives entrepreneurs crazy
How the chaos of documents & regulations restricts young founders and why we urgently demand a reduction in bureaucracy
From recycled cell phone cases to a supplier for laboratory extruders
Read the “brand eins” article to find out, how we have developed from a student project to a supplier of laboratory extruders
Crash course bureaucracy
Together with YFN we worked on the Crash Course "Bureaucracy" - A simple explanation of how taxes & bureaucracy in germany work!
Follow me.reports - the Life as a young founder
How are you seen as a young founder? And what are the difficulties of starting a business at such a young age?
QiTech Industries is published in the trade journal VDE Dialog!
Manuel Heckel from the electronics trade journal VDE interviewed Simon about our challenges as young founders
New store for our granulates
After the successful launch of our filament store, we now also sell the base material in our granulate store
QiTech XL winder for 10kg coils - fiber winding
Today we delivered our first XL winder for spools up to 10 kg to "Schellenberger Bürstenfabrik"
Free PLA filament sample with every order
In cooperation with MARAWE, we are including a 100-300g PLA filament sample with every order placed by 15.07.
We sponsor "Jugend Gründet" projects with filament
Do you have a cool project idea & are you taking part in JG, JF or SUT? Then don't let it fail because of the filament costs
New store for our recycled filament
We have scaled up our filament production and now also sell 100% recycled filament to private customers.
We have won the Future Pioneers Award!
We won the Future Pioneers "Award from Business" Insider and "WELT" in the category Future Digital Innovation!
Impact of recycling on PET-CF
Find out how to successfully recycle BASF's carbon fiber-reinforced PET-CF material in our material test in cooperation with Welser
Find out more around the topic of material research on JANTEC's YouTube
How we use material testing to help the industry gain valuable data & recycle plastic waste simply and efficiently
We were interviewed by 3D natives
Learn more about the foundation of QiTech, our recycled filament and our upcoming projects in the interview from 3DN
National Geographic visited us today
Julia Graven has followed us from the time in our small garage to our own facility in Darmstadt and reports about our growth as a startup
We are featured on Recycling 3D
Check out the article on professional recycling of 3D printing materials on Recycling-3D!
New teaser of our Filament Line
Check out our little teaser on YouTube about our all-in-one solution for recycling plastic waste into new filament
Our entire QiTech filament line is now CE certified!
Special thanks to SUEDSPITZE for their support in certifying the products!
QiTech live at FoundersLeague
Today, Milan pitched QiTech 's company idea live at Founders League
QiTech at the webinar "Additive in the Southwest" hosted by Fraunhofer IPA
We were invited as speakers to the "Additive in the Southwest" webinar by Fraunhofer IPA
New video about our Extruder!
Watch the YouTube video about QiTech Extruder and our own control software
Tagesschau (DE) has written an article about us!
This article is about the current debate on the difficulties of setting up a new business in Germany.
Founding a startup while you're still in school? Brand One
Gerd Schuld from "brand eins" magazine mentioned us in an article about the difficulties of start-up for young people
Today we are in the German newspaper AZ
Julian Peters visited us in the new workspace in Darmstadt and wrote about our move and next plans
Making a business out of recycling: Liberal Magazine
Liberal magazine interviewed Milan about the risks and difficulties when founding a startup
Our production is up and running again!
After the relocation to Darmstadt, we are now accepting orders again
We are in the ntv startup magazine
In the context of the KFW Award, ntv made a short report about QiTech Industries
We offer factory tours on the subject of recycling
In our factory tours, we talk about the opportunities and difficulties of plastic recycling.
We have won the "KfW Award for Founding"!
We were able to convince the jury with our business idea and became the winner for Rhineland-Palatinate
QiTech moves to Darmstadt!
We have moved our production to the Schenk industrial park in Darmstadt
How IPH recycles plastic with our machines
See how IPH recycles "plastic waste" into new products with the help of our machines.
User forum for additive production technology
QiTech Industries at the 25th User Forum Additive Manufacturing Technology of the Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart
QiTech Industries in NYC
A short travel blog from our trip of the Chemistry Special Award, which we won at JugendGründet 2022.
We would like to thank Fiege
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Fiege for their support during our current relocation to Darmstadt
QiTech x Ebay - Start Up Life visited our workspace
Together with Ebay we give an insight into our life in the Start Up workspace and introduce our team.
Our project is now open source
Why we have decided to publish the machines of QiTech Industries as an OpenSource project
Newcomer of the Year 2022
The Newcomer of the Year award is a strong acknowledgement of our work at QiTech
Press release DGPS 2022
In this post you will learn what QiTech Industries does and what our vision is.
We appeared at "Rheinhessen's Gesichter"
Milan and Simon were allowed to present our idea
Cooperation with Hellweg Maschinenbau
We are expanding our cooperation with Hellweg Maschinenbau to include professional grinders to our products.
A-levels achieved - whole team now working full time
Now that we've finished our A-levels, we can concentrate completely on the start-up.
The 2nd YFN event hosted at our company!
We had the pleasure to host the 2nd event of the YFN!
We are looking for assistance - Our team is growing!
We are still looking for reinforcements in the areas of programming and mechatronics!
Our founding story in 60 sec becomes viral TikTok.
How QiTech went from a start-up garage to its own workspace . Our founding story in 60 seconds on TikTok.
The SWR made a 3-years documentary about us!
SWR accompanied us for 3 years and describes in their 25 minute documentary our way from the garage to our new workspace
We are live in Galileo
Today Galileo has published a video about us and our company history
Christmas promotion: 3D printing pen & recycled filament
As a Christmas promotion we have put together a set of a 3D printing pen and 6 colors of our recycled filament
We are in the german newspaper "ZEIT"
Zeit Abitur magazine reported on the prejudices of older generations and our participation in StartUp Teens today
Industries in the newspaper "WELT am Sonntag"
QiTech Industries is in the latest issue of the WELT am Sonntag
First Young Founders Event hosted at our company!
We met with the finalists of Jugend Gründet and Start-Up Teens.
Our new production hall is in the AZ!
The Allgemeine Zeitung reported about us today
We have moved into a workspace!
The relocation work starts today! As always, you will get further updates on our move on Instagram/Facebook.
We have won StartUp Teens!
QiTech Industries took first place in the StartUp Teens start-up competition!
More Wifi Winder have been shipped!
We sent out the first Wifi Winder last week!
We are in the Frankfurter Rundschau
Today, the Frankfurter Rundschau reported about our new filament production in an article
Our first "major customer"
Oliver Noweck visited us and picked up 10 kilos of our Recycled ASA 3D Printing Filament.
We are in StartingUp Magazine
Konrad Schröter describes the trick with which the company was legally registered.
Double production speed
Working on the first orders now :)
Filament recycling with Wiesemann 1893
New cooperation with Wiesemann 1893 in order to recycle tool packaging
Recycle different plastic types? - ZDF Volle Kanne
Anne Chebu from ZDF visited the filament production.
Winder on the way to Ghana!
Soon, a Winder will be used in Ghana.
Production of 3D printing filament from industrial waste
Recycled filament from industrial waste on our sustainable spools made from bottle tops.
We have a new team member!
New Team Member at QiTech Industries
From industrial waste to new material
We have now picked up new material to make even more filament.
How good is our recycled Filament?
We did final tests with our recycled filament before going on sale.
Recycling in the dental industry
Our project with Boesing Dental is gaining attention in the dental industry.
3D Printing Garbage to Filament! (incl. Video)
New cooperation started with Boesing Dental. We recycle the prototypes of dental models into new filament.
We are in the FAZ!
Today, the FAZ reported on the founding story of QiTech .
First shredder sold!
We sold the first laboratory shredder in cooperation with Hellweg Maschinenbau
Hellweg Maschinenbau visited us
Hellweg Maschinenbau visited us in Oppenheim!
Another Winder is out!
This week we sent out another Winder.
Our Winder at the IPH in Hanover
We have sold a QiTech Winder to the Institute for Integrated Production Hanover (IPH)!
Machines overview
Find out more about the vision behind QiTech mechanical engineering
QiTech Control
Control and monitor all our machines in just one software
Pro Winder
Filament winding or rewinding
Produce your own granulate
Making your own filament from granulate
Cooling filament
Measure the filament diameter
Request a quote for one of our machines
Material tests
About us
Recycling at QiTech
Learn more about plastic recycling at QiTech
Visit our factory
Learn more about the opportunities of plastic recycling in our factory tours
Latest News and Behind the Scenes about our production!
Our team
Find out more about the individual team members at QiTech!
Machines overview
Find out more about the vision behind QiTech mechanical engineering
Request an offer
Request a quote if you are interested in our products
Produce granulate using things like plastic waste
Making your own filament from granulate
Cooling your filament after production
Measure the filament diameter
Pro Winder
Filament winding or rewinding
QiTech Control
Control and monitor all our machines in just one software
Material tests
About us
Recycling at QiTech
Learn more about plastic recycling at QiTech
Visit one of our factory tours!
Learn more about the opportunities of plastic recycling in our factory tours
Latest News and Behind the Scenes about our production!
Our team
Find out more about the individual team members at QiTech!