Every day we donate 100 visors to charitable organizations.
We produce all other visors for companies and private individuals.
From the bakery to the ice cream parlor, everywhere our visors are in use.
We charge private companies pro visor 5,88€ (7€ with VAT) to continue financing the production.
The visors are especially good for retail, because masks become uncomfortable over time and you breathe all the time your own air again.
Visors are according to the "Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung Auslegungshilfe" of Rheinland-Pfalz an alternative to an Altagsmaske and offer a spit protection for the entire face and ensure flawless communication.
Fotots: Prankratiushof; @neis.dasneustadteis, Konditorei Sebastian Nolda