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New material for recycling and the beverage supply is now secured thanks to CocaCola.

Thanks to @cocacola_de, we now have new material and drinks.

We recently donated 50 visors to the Red Cross in Liederbach. Uwe Maurer (plant manager of the Coca-Cola plant across from the Red Cross station) then became aware of our videos.

So that we have enough plastic waste to shred, he brought over a few bags of used bottle caps.

Of course, he also noticed our cola stock in the background (we drink about 4 liters of it pro day) and brought us some supplies.


Milan von dem Bussche

Milan has the overview of our projects (at least he pretends to). Developing new machines while doing something for the environment excites him. At QiTech Industries Milan designs and develops our machines and manages the finances (at least he does his best).